Welcome to St Patrick’s Catholic School Latrobe

Welcome to St Patrick’s Catholic School Latrobe

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setup_for_success_logo.pngSt Patrick's Catholic School runs the birth to five program Setup for Success.

The aim of our Setup for Success program is for schools to work with families to build a community of learners who support children to become engaged with their learning for life, inspired by Christian values.

Parents attend Setup for Success alongside their children in a welcoming and inspiring environment designed to promote development across all learning areas.

Each week the Setup for Success program coordinators will work with families to:

  • support parental understanding of child development,
  • respond to learners’ interests, strengths and needs,
  • communicate the learning that is on offer, and why this learning is important to their child, and
  • provide resources to assist families to continue to support their children’s learning in their home settings.

Our caring and supportive environments promote optimal early childhood development that greatly increases children’s chances of a successful transition to school. This, in turn, promotes children’s chances of achieving better learning outcomes while at school, and better education, employment and health after they have finished school.

The Setup for Success program is open to all families within the community who have a child aged between birth and five years.