Welcome to St Patrick’s Catholic School Latrobe

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St Patrick’s offers your child a comprehensive and engaging learning program based on the Australian Curriculum.

More information on the Australian Curriculum can be accessed via the Australian Curriculum Website.

Our qualified staff consistently strive to ensure current best practice is delivered through engaging in local school and system-based professional learning. 

Our school is engaged in the Catholic Education Tasmania INSIGHT Program which is based on the science of learning and encompasses the way we teach in every classroom. This teaching approach empowers all educators to help their students grow in knowledge, wisdom, and service.

More information on the Tasmanian Catholic EducationINSIGHT Program can be found on the INSIGHT Website.

Religious Education

All students participate in daily religious education lessons, and are led in—or lead—prayer and whole-school meditation at appropriate times throughout the day. Students also have the opportunity to prepare for the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, and Confirmation through a family-centred, parish-based, school-supported program.

Values Education

Extending from our religious education program, the school enriches and deepens student understandings through the Spirit of Jesus and Make Jesus Real programs. Years 3 and 4 are engaged in the Spirit of Jesus program before continuing into the Make Jesus Real program in Years 5 and 6. Students then put what they learn into action through involvement with the Parish and participation in community events such as ANZAC Day.